Saturday 31 March 2012

They walk among us

Now HERE'S something new you don't learn everyday!

Those naughty little Illuminati get everywhere - and then some.

According to that unimpeachable authority Dr Google, they've even managed to extende their evil suckered tentacles as far as the north west.  At great personal cost, dedicated conspiracy nuts/theorists (please delete according to personal taste and/or current level of gullibility) have now uncovered convincing evidence of their presence in Manchester and Buxton.  Just see these links for far more and unnecessary details than you ever imagined in the very worst of all your nightmares:

On reading all these breathless revelations, a few basic questions do spring inevitably to mind.
1.)  If the Illuminati are such a mighty and all-powerful organisation as is usually claimed in these sort of screeds, then why on earth would they be so daft as to reveal covert signs of their presence and coded indications of their future plans all over the place?  They're meant to be secret, remember!
2.)  If the Illuminati are such a mighty and all-powerful organisation, you would think they would be rather more efficient when it came to company branding.  Why not open a chain of coffee-stores with a branch on every corner in the world, rather than have Rihanna make rude  gestures with her fingers in her next video (whilst wearing a jacket with a picture of a pyramid and an all-seeing eye on the back)?  That is, assuming they want everybody to even know of their presence in the first place.
3.) How exactly would it help further their supposed plans for world domination if they take over places like Manchester and Buxton?  Are they thinking of re-opening the Hacienda and the Spa, perhaps? 
4.)  I always thought local authorities were in charge of running Manchester and Buxton.  And I would imagine Richard Leeson would be pretty surprised (not to mention worried) to see a set of green scales when he takes off his vest at night.
5.) If the Illuminati are really such a brutal and ruthless outfit, how come weirdoes of every stripe have managed to reveal every little last detail of their calamatous influence right over into the furthest reaches of the Internet?  Surely they would be able to stamp out dissidence even more promptly than the government of North Korea.  

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