Wednesday, 21 December 2011

Insect nation

No, this entry is NOT about the classic cod-rock opera by Bill Bailey.  Instead I'm going to treat you to a discussion of The Beetle Horde, yet another of the classic serials published by Astounding Stories during the early Thirties.   
This unforgettable masterwork was penned by a cult author called Victor Rousseau.  Though he seems to be no relation of either the philosopher or the painter (as far as I can make out, anyway), he nevertheless managed to produce a work of sci fi so demented, it almost approaches genius.
Unlike normal people, I don’t tend to start reading a book at the beginning, go through to the middle and keep going until I reach the end.  Instead I’ll flip it open almost at random, see if it looks interesting – and if it does, carry on from there until the narrative starts to drag a bit or I nod off.  When I return to the story, I employ the same technique all over again.  Eventually I will manage to finish the book by piecing together the narrative a bit like a jigsaw.
Suppose this may explain why I still find it so difficult to construct a basic three act storyline.  And also why I seem to get on so well with surrealism.  Apparently women as a species are meant to naturally gravitate towards realism in fiction.  Well, I’ve never been a fan of soaps or kitchen sink drama, while French windows comedies and vicar’s trousers falling down in front of the mayor continue to leave me cold.   
All of which means you'll have to forgive me.  I'm doing the best I can, even though times is hard.
So far I’ve only managed to read the final part (of four).  Based on that, here is what I deduce the basic plot to consist of.  If it later turns out to be utter bollocks, suppose I'd better delete all this pdq.
Anyway, a pair of explorers get kidnapped while on an expedition to the Antarctic.  They are then hauled down to the secret underground world helpfully known as Submondia for the hard of understanding.
Now the inhabitants of Submondia are by no means your average mob of sinister lurking gnomes.  They just happen to be a race of gigantic, super-intelligent beetles that developed their very own civilization.
Quite why a species with so many natural advantages would choose to be ruled by a mad human archaeologist who went nuts and disappeared off the face of the earth (quite literally, in this case), instead of the insect version of Nelson Mandela or Josef Stalin (please delete according to preferred political and social affiliation) is yet another of those strange mysteries that never even get addressed, let alone explained, in a story like this.
It still seems positively racist, though, not to mention the type of wilful illogic that would drive the most sensible and mature of Vulcans to drink – particularly when it naturally and inevitably transpires that the beetles are in the habit of abducting humans from the surface world to act as their slaves and food source.  I mean - what rational being is going to accept orders from a bacon buttie?
Turns out the nutcase currently occupying the beetle throne is named Bram (in honour of Bram Stoker?).  Like the infamous Fraser from The Floating Island Of Madness, he can best be summed up as a pretty typical ‘mad scientist’ type of boffin.
It seems that the scientific community of 1930 can’t stop laughing at his continued insistence in the face of all the evidence discovered to date in the fossil record that extinct creatures like the marsupial lion lived long before the theory of evolution suggests they must first have appeared.  Stung by all the constant derision, he has of course developed the standard issue massive grudge against all of humanity.
If the two explorers refuse to admit to his face that his idiotic ‘theory’ is right, he tells them during one of his endless loopy rants, he will condemn the entire surface world and everyone on it to death.  The sentence will be carried out by a swarm of several trillion armour-plated beetles that he will order to ravish the face of the earth at his leisure.
Odd that beetles should act more like a plague of locusts – but then, the story does state that the poor things were starving (yet another reason Submondia urgently needs a beetle revolution, you would have thought.  Beetles of the under-world unite!).
Bram intends to direct the horde from the comfort of his battle chariot.  This consists of the upturned shell from a monstrous beetle that’s moulted, in which he lolls in state on plump cushions like a corrupt and decadent Roman emperor.  The chariot is dragged into the air by a specially trained team of eight sleek war steeds (aka really fast, fancy looking beetles with go-faster stripes down the sides).
Yes, that’s right – they fly!
Sorry, but the first picture to come to mind is the buzzing piebald buggalo in that brilliant Futurama episode Where The Buggalo Roam.
Just as no-one in authority takes much notice of Kif Croker, everyone seems to ignore Haida, the human slave the explorers rescued from the depths of Submondia and brought to the surface with them.  However, it turns out that like the timid green lieutenant, she possesses the knowledge and expertise that will eventually save humanity.
To give her her due, Haida does keep trying to explain the simple and unspectacular facts, but just like Zapp Brannigan, the rest of the human race refuses to listen to a word she and the explorers have to say about the danger posed by the immense beetle horde.
For example, during their enforced stay in Submondia, the explorers soon discovered that the shells of the beetles were completely impervious to bullets.  If you want to escape being eaten alive by a marauding beetle, the best thing to do is dress up in the discarded shell left by one that’s moulted.  Then you will both smell and look like a beetle to the other beetles, so they will leave you alone.
Failing that, your best bet is to hole yourself up somewhere they can’t get in – like a nuclear bunker.  Or you can outfly them by zooming to the top of the stratosphere in an aeroplane.
Problem is, fear makes the human race both stupid and stubborn.
When the Australian air force takes to the skies to repel the invaders, it soon becomes apparent that bullets are less than useless against the vile creatures.  Yet the Aussie pilots keep on pumping them out.
Another pilot later finds out that human planes can reach much greater heights than the beetles – yet no-one seems prepared to act on that discovery, either.
Presumably people back in 1930 knew of many methods of exterminating normal-sized beetles, so why didn’t any scientists try to apply or adapt them to killing enormous mutant ones too?  In the dire circumstances described here, you’ve got to admit calling in Rentokil is worth a shot.
And even if the Australians were somewhat distracted battling off the hordes, why couldn’t people living elsewhere on the globe look for a solution that might help them?
The main reason must be that if any of the above scenarios actually happened, the action would be likely to get resolved a fair bit sooner.  This would deprive us of much-needed narrative tension and urgency – and the explorers of their opportunity to finally save the day in the typical heroic fashion.
Nor would the readers have half so many lurid setpieces of sickening horror and revulsion to look forward to.  The beetle attacks Down Under must rank with the most gore-ridden zombie and chainsaw killer B-movies out there.
The carnage kicks off with the beetles chasing and devouring alive the poor group of Australian aborigines who try to help the explorers and Haida when they eventually emerge from the depths in the middle of an extinct volcano in the outback, instead of Antarctica, like they were expecting.  By the time they've finished their little feast, there isn't much left for the funeral.  
Later the beetles place both Melbourne and Adelaide under siege.  As a result, Bram is despised by 99.9% of people round the globe as the very Anti-Christ, even those who belong to other religions.
No wonder retro-nerds across the States escaped the worst of the Depression by devouring such trash on a monthly basis.  If you live in the Dustbowl and can’t even get a job as a door-to-door vacuum cleaner salesman, you either hitch a lift on the back of a rickety truck to go and pick oranges in California – or you sit it out, pretending in your head that you are Bram, unleashing the full might and fury of your ravaging beetle horde on the world that has deprived you of your birthright to the pursuit of happiness.   

Tuesday, 29 November 2011

On the go

As someone whose get-up-and-go gets up and goes on a pretty regular basis, I completely fail to understand this modern obsession with being constantly on the go.

If you believe the claims of women's magazines and advertisers, a woman of my approximate age and education level should last have sat down and put her feet up some time back in mid-1994.  Because the hectic pace of modern life is that relentless that I quite literally do not ever get the time to take a moment or two to myself, that's why I'm assumed to need such 'essentials' as Starbucks takeaway tall skinny cappucino lattes, plastic pots of cereal with the milk already poured into them, trainers you do up with strips of velcro and paper knickers that you can recycle as bog paper should you unfortunately get caught short when forced to partake of a quick whazz during your weekly supermarket sweep of Tescos (or Waitrose I should be shopping in, only I'm still not possessed of the budget to purchase more than a £10 Friday night dinner for 2 special).

And apparently I'm meant to be as grovellingly grateful as Uriah Heep for the opportunity to spill a river of semi-skimmed milk and cornflakes down my just-back-from-the-drycleaners trenchcoat as I dash up the escalators at Covent Garden tube station, not even having enough time to let the automatic stairs give my poor weary limbs a lift up to the surface.

Let's be honest here - lacking a husband and kids is probably a massive help.

Monday, 28 November 2011

The amazing wisdom of the subconscious

If the subconscious human brain is meant to be a creative artist of great untapped genius, it still needs the help of a damn good editor.

For proof, let me refer you without further ado to my very own mind.  I woke up this morning from a positive Brazilian telenovela of a dream about an alcoholic tramp who died alone and unmourned. His body then ended up getting mummified (quite how, alas I now couldn't tell you. It may possibly have been by some rare natural process, though). Through a chain of the most unlikely coincidences, it got stolen by loads of different people and ends up going on adventures with them all. 

Yet it all seemed ineffably brilliant and compelling as I watched it on the screen of my mind's eye.  Yes, but remember I was akip at the time!  My conscious, critical side was taking a well-earned rest from reality for the duration.

Just the other morning, I woke up with the words The Girl With A Different Life Next Door clamouring ceaselessly through my mind.

No doubt Sylvia Browne and her spirit guide Francine would say that whoever it is from the Other Side who has taken on the onerous task of mentoring me for my writing work over here has infused this title to me, as I am meant to be taking the piece down and getting it published under my current name on this side. Well, if that’s true, could you lot over there please send me the rest as soon as you’re ready? Me and the trusty laptop are waiting.

By the way, I’ve now looked up the title on Google – and it doesn’t seem to exist in our reality yet.

It's all starting to remind me rather uncomfortably of the tale of Henry James' psychologist brother William waking up one morning convinced that he had been told the great secret of the relationship between the sexes during his dreams the night before.

Guess what it turned out to be?

Higamous hogamous
Woman is monogamous
Hogamous higamous
Man is polygamous.

Someone else whose name I can't presently recall, so will need to look up, reckoned that God gave them the gift of writing immortal poetry in their dreams.  They too kept a handy pad and pen beside the bed, which they used to scribble down the only fragment of the towering verse that they could remember on waking:

It was a miracle of strange device
A [something totally incongruous- cockroach, perhaps?  Better check this one out, too] made of snow and ice ...

Like I say, all in bloody dire need of a tough sub-editor.

Maybe THAT'S what we over here are meant to do with the information that gets 'infused' to us?

Friday, 25 November 2011

And there's more!

Here's what else our much-loved deceased slebs have been getting up to in the afterlife, plus some exclusive details of their plans for future incarnations.  It all comes to you courtesy of Sylvia Browne and her spirit guide Francine (who had an entire book to fill, so needed to include plenty of material, obviously).  You certainly can't say you don't get great value for your money.

Audrey Hepburn seems to have a close friend on the Other Side called Emil.  This person has planned to reincarnate some time very soon after the end of this current year in a place near Vancouver.  Once they've returned over here, they don't intend to waste any time, as Emil is scheduled to become a successful author before the age of 20.  They will achieve this by recreating a book written by Audrey back at Home called For Of Such Is The Kingdom Of God, not to mention also illustrating it in fine watercolours.

Meanwhile, Ray Charles has been busy begun infusing his compositions to a young musical prodigy.  The lad was born near the Macon area in Georgia back in 2000, and either his first or last name happens to be Martin.  Though he is still so young, he is already receiving recognition for his great talent as both a singer and guitarist.  By the time he reaches his mid-teens, Martin will be writing 'Ray Charles' songs without knowing where they come from (just a thought - maybe he is a great fan of Ray Charles during this current incarnation?  Therefore Charles would obviously be a major influence on his work?)  No less than four of those songs will have been successfully recorded by his 25th birthday.

Everyone's favourite mad-haired genius Albert Einstein reckons that by the 2040s, time travel will be common.  How, you may find yourself asking.  Apparently we'll all be travelling to and from various periods of history through what he refers to as global 'flues'.  What's a 'global flue' when it's at home?  See the Bermuda Triangle for further details ...  Einstein, Nikola Tesla, Galileo Galilei and George Hale will soon be starting to infuse the theory behind time travel to selected incarnated scientists accross the globe.  One of these, beginning in about 2018, will be a young man based at Duke University named Bernard or Bernhard.

Guess what?  The King has re-entered the building!  Elvis Presley was reincarnated back in late November 2004.  In this new life, his hair is blond, but will darken as he gets older, and his eyes are blue.  He lives somewhere in France on a vineyard, together with his parents and two brothers.  The family has relatives in Italy, so they travel over there several times a year to visit them.  Although he will grow up to have just as exquisite a singing voice and great talent as a composer as he did before, he won't be hitting the spotlight this time round.  Because he is now a devout Catholic, he will become a monk and work with the poor.  All his great musical talents will be devoted to the glory of the Church, not the world.

Farrah Fawcett intends to return for another incarnation in which she becomes famous 'for something which matters', but still needs to finish assessing and processing the achievements of the lifetime she has just finished before she starts making plans for the next one.

Bob Marley fans will be delighted to hear that he has been hard at work writing his autobiography on the Other Side.  Once it is complete, he will be infusing it to a woman that his son Ziggy has already met, but doesn't know very well just yet.  The chosen lady will make herself apparent to Ziggy at the right time, then together they will see the project through to fruition.

Anna Nicole Smith will eventually be reincarnated, but says there is no particular hurry.  Presumably Francine will let Sylvia know once further details of her plans emerge.

The infamous Madalyn Murray O'Hair (to Americans, anyway)  is another celebrity who has already been reincarnated.  Because she seems to have been a rather dodgy spiritual prospect, following her death, she went straight through a portal known as the Left Door and into another life on earth.  She is now a male called Leon or Leonid, who was born somwhere in the vicinity of the western mountains in the Ukraine during June 1996.  Francine reports that he is the youngest of four children.  Unlike his parents and siblings, who are all 'fine, hardworking people', he is growing up to be hateful, rebellious, dishonest.  Although he is still so young, he already appears to be involved in criminal activity of some sort.  There are fears he could possibly end up committing some sort of very seriously nasty act when he is older.

Sammy Davis Jr is is yet another famous person planning to return very soon.  He will be reborn during 2016.  In this upcoming life, he will qualify as a doctor, specialising in paediatrics - possibly with a focus on cystic fibrosis and childhood autism.  Although he will do much good work and help many people, unlike his previous one, this life will pass in anonymity.

The immortal icon James Dean will be reincarnating in 2017.  As before, he will be an actor, but this time round, he intends to live a safe and steady life, complete with wife and children.  To make up for the short duration of his last life, he intends to check out at the ripe old age of 90.

Brittany Murphy reports that she wasn't too impressed by fame in the life she has just finished.  This may explain why she will soon come back here as a woman living a really ordinary, average, dare we say boring, life somewhere in Portugal.

Katherine Hepburn and her father may be residing safely on the Other Side, but that doesn't mean to say they lounge about on clouds all day, languidly strumming harps.  No, they've been work solidly on the Other Side as medical researchers, specialising in neurological disorders.  At the moment they are busy developing a cure for epilepsy.This will be infused to a research team in Sweden, who will announce a major breakthrough during the course of 2019.

As was reported on one of the main Beatles fans websites, George Harrison is currently in training to become a great Hindu guru on the Other Side.  (Hopefully he has been so busy with this, he didn't hear what my mother said to the Hari Krishna monk who asked her for a donation on Sun Street!)

It appears the Hepburns aren't the only dead slebs to join scientific projects.  John Kennedy Jr and Jackie Kennedy Onassis are claimed to be leading members of a huge research team working on the prenatal detection, treatment and cure of birth defects.  This team is actively infusing scientists and medical researchers based in North America, Japan and Brazil.  Some sort of collaborative global breakthrough in this area is expected to be announced around 2026.

The much-missed Heath Ledger is already in the middle of sorting out plans for his next lifetime.  He intends to reincarnate in the year 2016.  Like James Dean, he plans to be an actor again, maybe a film editor too.
When his daughter Michelle is in her early thirties, his new incarnation will re-enter her life.  This person will seem an 'oddly familiar stranger' to her, only she'll have no idea why she feels so comfortable with them, almost like she knew them from somewhere before.

So there you have it.

Perhaps I should make a note in my diary to return to all these predictions in 2064 (when I'll be 97 - very possible indeed, given the great ages to which many members of both sides of my family during this current incarnation have managed to reach), and see how they've all panned out.  

Friday, 11 November 2011

How Sings The Gay Sardine?

Here's a bit of a conundrum for you.

American medium Sylvia Browne claims that not a single work in world literature has ever been created by writers in this world, nor are our scientists the ones responsible for devising any of their prize-winning theories over the centuries.  Her spirit guide Francine says this is because people on the other side (aka 'Home') knock up all the novels, plays, films, symphonies and theories in their spare moments in between travelling round Atlantis by atomic-powered hovering golf carts, watching Michael Jackson concerts at the ghostly version of the Hollywod Bowl and preparing for their next incarnations.  Then they infuse them to the creatives over here whilst we are all sleeping.

Apparently Bette Davis has a mate called Keller or Kellogg who is down to become a great playwright during his (her?) fast approaching new incarnation, starting in north Oregon during 2014.  Keller/Kellogg is going to be writing a classic trilogy called 'Houses Of Glass'.

Okay, a century is a bloody long time and we do need replacements for figures like Arthur Miller and Harold Pinter.  'Houses Of Glass' even sounds a plausible topic for a literary classic or three.

Problem is, Keller/Kellogg has already been hard at work on the trilogy long before this upcoming incarnation even starts - and Bette has been helping him/her.

If there is any truth in what Francine claims, then who the hell is going to be the actual author of 'Houses Of Glass'?  Keller/Kellogg?  Bette Davis?  Both?

And when exactly will these three plays get written? 

Presumably if Keller/Kellogg does get born in north Oregon during 2014 and grows up to become a playwright, then like me he/she will be expecting to spend quite a bit of time sitting alone at a computer, slurping down gallons of coffee whilst peering anxiously at the screen thinking: "Oh shit!  My brain's gone blank!", before spending the next three hours playing Solitaire, checking their e-mails and reading weird junk like 'The Floating Island Of Madness'.

Then, when he/she jolts awake at three o'clock in the morning and rushes for a piece of paper and a pen, he/she will not unnaturally assume that it is their own subconscious that has finally get up off its arse and knuckled down to a bit of work for a change.

It will be Keller/Kellogg who types it all up on the computer and sends it off to playwriting competitions and literary agents, not Bette Davis.  It will be Keller/Kellogg who appears on the television accepting awards and on Radio 4 discussing his/her sources of inspiration.

Yet when Albert Einstein passed over, Francine describes how his mentor Isaac Newton came to meet him and congratulate him for all 'his' incredible achievements such as the General Theory of Relativity.

Perhaps I need to tear my own personal scriptwriting team away from the David Garrick/Laurence Olivier marathon season at the Lemurian version of the Old Vic and ask them to get on with finishing the second draft of 'Elvis Alive' in time for the fast approaching deadline.       

Sunday, 30 October 2011

Further crepe to make you cackle when times is hard

Or rather, me.

I really don't care if laughing at the following extracts from the great Charlie Brooker makes me childish, silly or maladjusted.  All I know is that I fell about until my face went puce, tears streamed down my cheeks and I almost suffered an asthma attack.

"If reading these words sent you temporarily crazy, and you ran outside and stripped naked and pressed your bum cheeks against the nearest Starbucks window - really pushed them apart so everyone inside got a gruesome view up your rear aperture - and then started defecating against the glass to a backdrop of tumbling lattes and horrified screams ... if you did THAT, it might irrevocably alter your life, what with the ensuing court case and all, but it would make absolutely no difference to the trajectory of history.

"In summary: you're pointless."

(From: They're, like, totally ethnic, 14 June 2008)

"And how are we, the snickering public, supposed to refer to these recidivist saps when we spot them emptying the poop bins anyway?  Do we call them 'paybackers' or 'CPs', or what?  If you're going to label them, at least come up with something populist. Something we can use.  How about 'SCUM SLAVE'? Or 'CHAIN GANG BETTY'?  That last one would definitely catch on.  I might start shouting it at them in the street tomorrow.  So put that on the back of the jacket.

"And, bearing your stated aim of 'visibility' in mind, don't just stop at bold capital letters: the typeface should physically light up, like a Vegas casino hoarding.  Actually, the whole jacket should light up.  And it shouldn't be a jacket.  It should be a fluorescent green leotard with a transparent panel located over the testicles, so you can see them squashed up against the window like depressed balding commuters and, above it, a small flashing sign with the words 'HA HA LOOK AT MY HILARIOUS BALLS' accompanied by an arrow pointing at them, picked out in multicoloured LEDs visible from half a mile away.

"Blind pedestrians who wouldn't otherwise get to enjoy the spectacle should be catered for too, thanks to a looped iPod soundtrack consisting of assorted celebrities describing precisely how ridiculous the miscreant's balls look, backed with comedy tuba music blasting from a heavy iron tannoy mounted on the offender's head.

"That's a more effective deterrent than a little orange bib.  And perhaps Jack Straw could model one at the press launch, doing one of his trademark sober expressions.  He could probably even pull a serious face with his balls, so they looked suitably noble and statesmanlike even while flattened against the transparent pane, thereby underlining the scheme's commitment to visibility and aversion to humiliation.

"If anyone can do it, he can."

(From: Chain Gang Betties, 1 December 2008)

[Jack Straw is listed in the index of Charlie Brooker's collection 'The Hell Of It All' as: 'Straw, Jack; effectively told to fuck off, 279-81; effectively told to fuck off again, 343-5' - which tends to make you suspect that Charlie probably compiled the index to his book himself]

Perhaps I should offer to teach Charlie my patented protest song about Jack Straw some time?  It's fast, effective - and probably gets you straight onto the files of MI5 in no time (along with Jack himself, so you're in good company there).

"I'll never forget the Concrete Menagerie, for example.  Picture Madame Tussauds, but with the celebrity waxworks made out of concrete.  And instead of stunning likenesses of the rich and famous, imagine a group of misshapen figurines that were scarcely recognisable as human beings, painted by an especially hamfisted group of GCSE art students in a hurry.

"That was the Concrete Menagerie.

"It was housed in the back garden of a house in Northumberland.  A full-scale model of Jaws (the shark, not the Bond villain) which resembled a giant grey phlegm glob with eyes was one highlight.  Another was a figurine of Lawrence of Arabia sitting astride a camel.  Lawrence had a set of real false teeth stuck in his mouth, leaving him with an unsettling rictus grin.

(From: The day Santa died, 8 December 2008)

This particular article actually inspired me to look the place up online - but alas, I so far have not been able to track down pictures of either the Jaws statue or Lawrence of Arabia.  If anyone out there can help me with this endeavour, please send all communications to the usual address, where I shall open them and proceed to have yet another bloody good laugh.

Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Ode to Joy

Sing a song of joy and glory -
You must be taking the piss.
During the regime of the Iron Lady
Miss Selfridge named a lipstick after her
Dark maroon, if I recall.

Unionists voting on the slope of a hillside
Makes it easier to see
Who hasn't put their hand up.
Crisp pink and white striped blouses
Put me off banking for the rest of my natural.

The Elysian Fields live in Paris
Along with the rest of the French Revolution.
School inspector orders me not to faint
At the death of Robespierre
On pain of being shot as a crypto-Jacobin
Thus surplus to requirement
During a recession.

Labour isn't working.
What do you expect
When there's no jobs
And Greenham Common to surround
With a ring of peace?

I chose this dawn to be alive
Because it sounded like a good idea at the time.
All mankind are brothers-in-arms
Gotta install microwave oven
Custom kitchen, colour TV.

Unblessed with blow-dry hair
Fascination with blue Curucao must suffice.
When does the next flight leave for Mars?

Monday, 24 October 2011

Stuck for words

Think I'll copy Charlie Brooker and ask for your ideas on what I should write about next.

Please send all suggestions to the usual address.

Monday, 5 September 2011

Britain's Got Talent - c. 1943

"A broad Brummie got up on stage and Ralph [Reader - leader of the Gang Show and mentor of Tony Hancock] said: "What do you do?"

"He said: "I jump."

"Ralph said: "No.  What's your act?"

"He said: "That's my act.  I jump."

"Ralph said: "What do you mean, you jump?"

"He said: "Well, I jump and get higher and higher.  That's what I do."

"He then stood to attention and he jumped and he jumped and he got so high.

"It became a standing joke between the two of us.  If I phoned him and he asked: "Who's that?", I would always say: "I jump."

"He always knew who it was then, and we were away."

(Friend of Tony Hancock, as quoted in Tony Hancock: The Definitive Biography by John Fisher)

Saturday, 3 September 2011

Guess what?

I write like James Joyce.


See this website for further details:

I write like
James Joyce
I Write Like by Mémoires, journal software. Analyze your writing!

Thursday, 1 September 2011

Back to school essay

Today is 1 September.

This means that it is autumn.

In the autumn, the leaves fall off the trees.  Our dads rake them into big piles in the middle of the back lawn and set them alight, thus barbecuing the poor hedgehogs who thought they'd found a nice cosy place to hibernate until spring.  My  dad then goes back out into the garden at night with a torch.  He tears the cowering slugs off the leaves of the plants, shouting: "Eat my f***ing hostia, would you, you bastards!" and chucks them over the fence into next door's garden.

When I was a kid, I genuinely used to believe that the seasons had to start on precise dates decided by the government.  Never mind that the administrations of the Seventies couldn't even organise a piss-up in a brewery, hence all the mayhem of the three-day week and the miners' and dustmen's strikes, these bunches of incompetents could still somehow manage to keep Britain's ecosystem running.

Mind you, I was also convinced that traffic lights were operated by teams of people crammed into an underground bunker turning a gigantic handle to change the colours over.  Most of the time they lounged about on old sofas, eating bourbon biscuits and Tunnocks caramel wafers, slurping from sturdy mugs of tea and coffee, while watching endless repeats of Diana Dors in Queenie's Castle and Bruce Lee in Enter The Dragon on a television set hanging from the ceiling like the ones you see in takeaways.

The head of the team was a cantankerous old git who modelled himself very closely on James Robertson Justice, via Captain Birdseye.  He kept peering through a periscope hidden in the middle of the traffic light itself.  When a suitably large backlog of traffic had built up behind the lights, he bellowed: "All change!" through a loudhailer.

Then all the lazy ginks would have to rush over to the handle and change the lights.

Rooms like this existed under every single set of traffic lights in the country.

During their vacations, students often worked on the traffic lights to earn some extra cash.  As with every type of manual job during the Seventies, the wages were really generous.

Oh, and the ceilings of the bunkers were always covered with empty cardboard egg boxes, possibly to act as soundproofing in the rush hour.

Monday, 29 August 2011

Guaranteed cure for writer's block

According to Robert Sheckley and Ben Aaronovitch, anyway.

Think I am going to have to try it, otherwise I will be stuck till kingdom come laughing my socks off at Charlie Brooker's account of his visit to the Concrete Menagerie in Northumberland and sipping lukewarm, nose-curling coffee of the day in Starbucks whilst listening to Nathan Barley dingwad lookalikes and their adorable totty-bint girlfriends burble on and on at great length and considerable tedium about Beyonce being up the duff.

Bloody hell words, why won't you come?  You bastards know I have a deadline looming, so naturally you do a runner.  While I rummage round for you under the sofa, you're hanging out with the odd socks down the bottom of the laundry basket.  Just wait till I get my hands on you!  You lazy shiftless buggers have a lot of catching up to do etc etc amen (cont.  on p. 94).

Friday, 19 August 2011

The horror, the horror continues

Well, I did warn you.
A quick trawl of Google under 'Anders Behring Breivik' proves that we probably won't be forgetting about Norway's notorious spree killer any time in the near future.

This article from the Guardian includes brief excerpts from his diary:

It is seriously chilling to read of his preparations for the atrocities, whilst all the rest of us around the world had no idea of his existence, let alone his plans, so were helpless to intervene. 

What was I doing at 12.51 pm on Friday 22 July 2011, just as Anders completed his manifesto and e-mailed 1,000 copies of it to his contact list before setting off on his fateful self-styled ‘mission’?

Drinking a mug of coffee whilst watching excerpts from Attack Of The Killer Tomatoes, if I remember correctly.

Now this delightfully blokey blog entry has driven me up the pissing wall!

Unlike Cho, there seems to be no record whatever of Breivik complaining about feeling sexually frustrated.  Now admittedly he could be talking out of his arse when he claims that he had had offers from women (and even the odd experience with them) so it’s not like the opportunities aren’t there.  However, he could equally well be telling the truth.  I myself have heard several women describe him as ‘handsome’ ("Pity about the rest of him, though”).

On the other hand, it is definitely well-established fact that many medieval knights did indeed abstain from sexual and romantic relationships while preparing for and engaging in their campaigns and quests.  Even today, many sports players follow the same practice to enable them to focus their minds and energy before a big match.

And these silly nongs seem to forget that a great many medieval knights and modern sports players are what they would glorify as ‘Alpha males’, who would doubtless be wading up to their plums in prime pussy once they have finally won their great victories.  So if Alpha males don’t mind going without poontang occasionally and it doesn’t seem to end up harming them or inhibiting their efficiency in other areas of their lives, stop bloody whingeing on, you Betas!

I love the detailed description of the sort of humdrum, depressing sex-life a Beta male can look forward to with his girlfriend/wife.  Makes you wonder whether the author of this particular comment is basing it upon personal experience.

I also cannot get over the hideous way in which all these men (that’s what they seem to be, from the tone of all these comments here) never fail to denigrate and despise the very women whose vaginas they are all longing so desperately for improved access to.  So you disapprove of Anders for committing the most unspeakable violence simply to impress women?  Okay, fair enough – but do you really think the best way to boost your own attractiveness to the opposite sex is to slag us off in writing? 

Well, obviously!  No woman wants a pathetic, wimpy Kitchen Bitch who can’t get it up for toffee.  All the ladies go gaga for vampire-werewolf-neo Nazi spree murderer psychopaths who slap them around for not serving the dinner on time.  None of these sad losers has apparently bothered asking a real live woman what exactly she does and doesn’t find attractive in a man.  No woman in her right mind would go within five hundred thousand miles of Spike and Angel from Buffy, Dexter – or Anders Behring Breivik.

I agree wholeheartedly with Pharyngula that Breivik’s so-called ‘manifesto’ does sound very much like ‘an obsessively fussed-over set of rules for a nerdy fantasy role-playing game’, only Breivik was convinced that it was all for real and so ‘charged off to murder people’ – with two vital caveats.

Firstly, I am convinced that Brian Masters is right when he describes Breivik as a committed ideologue.  The main reason he spent so much time and effort in researching and writing this 1500-odd page monstrosity is because he sees it as an extremely serious endeavour.  In Breivik’s mind, what he has written is an urgently needed plan.

No way can Breivik either recognise or admit that his views might strike most people as, at best, seriously worrying extremism, and, at worst, what Pharyngula calls ‘outrageous crackpottery’.  He himself probably believes that he is a brilliant intellectual theoretician, perhaps the only person currently alive in Europe possessed of the necessary courage and vision to devise the radical ‘solutions’ ‘needed’ to solve the continent’s ‘problems’.  (Though Pharyngula is right to pull him up for some particularly ropey scholarship, as per his discussion of Richard Dawkins.)

Like Masters has pointed out, if anyone has already told Breivik that the vast majority of people across the world do not regard him as the Great White Hope of Europe like he had been hoping – indeed, the exact opposite – I imagine he probably would be totally mystified and bewildered by such a violently antipathetic response.  In his own mind, his ‘theories’ are so obviously ‘right’ in every respect that it is we who have the problem, not him.  If we cannot see his ‘great achievement’ for the ‘monumental breakthrough’ he ‘knows’ it is, then we are all a load of ungrateful clunts who’ll be first against the wall when his version of the revolution comes.

According to this recent report from the Daily Telegraph, the prison staff and shrinks have lost no time in confronting Breivik with the brutal facts.

And he seems to be able to understand that public opinion might have a good point, but still keeps insisting: “It was necessary.”

Secondly, it is a tragic fact that not everybody in the world regards the man as evil/mad/sad.  Quite possibly most, if not all, these supposed colleagues of his will turn out to be nothing more than figments of his imagination.  Indeed, I bloody well hope so.  However, in the final analysis it won’t matter a jot whether they are or not -  because there are plenty of vicious-minded extremist thugs out there (plus a few nutters with serious delusions of ‘grandeur’ and the odd inadequate who’s just about ready to go postal) who are now ready to become his ‘followers’.

Breivik may claim that he hates Hitler for letting Europe down through his ill-conceived and ineptly executed policies (no mention whatever of marmolising over 6 million people as a direct result of them, you note), but he wouldn’t exactly go round complaining if his own manifesto ends up gaining even a tenth of the following of der Fuehrer’s Mein Kampf.

He wants us to come and join him in his ghastly game.  Before we do that, we need to know what the game is, how to play it – and why it’s so important to support him.  So he’s very kindly written us the manual, just like a good Dungeonmaster would do.

And if we follow Breivik’s own method of ‘reasoning’ further, he would no doubt tell his potential followers that it’s really handy if both experts and the public dismiss your writings as the ravings of an unabashed fruitcake – because then you can easily persuade them not to take you seriously.  This will cause them all to massively under-estimate the threat that you and your plans truly pose.  While they leave you in peace to talk to the trees, you can quietly get on pursuing your various nefarious objectives.

See, this is just the sort of stuff he wants:

Thursday, 11 August 2011

And now for something completely different

After all the ghastly and depressing news of the past few weeks, we probably all need to pause for a moment to get our breath back with a bit of light relief.

In her masterwork Eating India, Chitrita Banerji explains how to cook what she refers to as 'the most incongruous combination' of ingredients in Parsi cuisine.

The recipe is called wafer per eeda - which roughly translates as 'potato crisps with egg.'

Here's how you make it:

1.) Saute a load of onions and green chillis in some oil in a large frying pan.
2.) Open a bag of potato crisps.
3.) Chuck the potato crisps over the top of the onions and chillis.
4.) Make a few holes amongst the pile of crisps.
5.) Crack eggs into each hole.
6.) Keep cooking until the eggs are properly set.
7.) Serve.

Apparently the Parsis are such fans of eggs that they love to eat them with absolutely anything and everything they can lay their hands on.  When Chitrita learnt about this dish, it sounded so bizarre that she couldn't wait to try it for herself.

She describes it as 'an eye-popping experience, reminding me once again that texture is the dominant element in any cuisine originating in Gujurat'.

For my part, I would far rather use my spare time to test out wafer per eeda than writing a barking mad manifesto.

Sunday, 31 July 2011

The horror, the horror

This is something I really would prefer not to write, but sadly world events have made it unavoidable.

Puzzled by media stories over the last day or two claiming that Anders Behring Breivik has apparently admitted that he most definitely did kill all the people that he variously shot and bombed into oblivion, yet he insists he is not guilty of any offence, I started wondering what the likelihood is that he could be insane.

The impression given in some quarters is that it would be a relief to many should this in fact turn out to be the case.  Pretty cold comfort for most in the circumstances, you would have thought, but at least it might be very slightly easier to come to terms with the enormity of what he has done. 

Madness is nice, easy and convenient.  If someone is crackers, you can summarily dismiss them as an unfortunate aberration.  You can lock the looney up in a padded cell for the rest of their natural - and make sure you throw away the key right into the middle of a massive great hole situated in the arse-end of the Crab Nebula at the end of the Cretaceous Period.

And then you can forget about them.  (Unless Dr Who +/the Daleks manage to retrieve the key, but that's the start of a whole different story … )

No point in going back after fifteen years and asking the bugger why they committed whatever ghastly atrocity it was that got them banged away in the slammer in the first place.  They're a nutter, nutters don't make any sense, you won't discover anything helpful or useful from them, don't waste your time and effort, case closed.  Over, done with, finished, as my father is so fond of saying.

Anders Behring Breivik, on the other hand, seems quite determined that this won't be happening to him.

It has been reported that he may well have written a manifesto.  This document, it is claimed, is no less than 1,500 pages long, took him three years to research and write - and he has posted it online so that everyone who wishes can take a damn good look.

I'm afraid that I did.

My only excuse is that I wanted to find out if he was mad or not, in his own words rather than anybody else's.  And whether he was or wasn't, what type of rationale he could possibly use to explain (and even attempt to justify) his appalling actions.

So I spent 10 minutes on Saturday afternoon reading this production of his.  This is where I found it, if you must insist on having a ghoulish rummage around his mind for yourself:

Now presumably Norwegian police are currently poring through it in painstaking detail, in an attempt to establish whether or not it is in fact his own work.

Should it turn out that he has truly written the invidious thing and posted it online, then the implication must surely be that he wanted the world to find and read it.  That would strongly suggest that he could have planned his actions well in advance.  So he's going to be pretty well stuffed if he (or, more likely, his lawyer) tries to argue that the attacks weren't premeditated in any sense.

You'll see that one of the people who commented on the Zero Hedge discussion board attempts to dismiss Breivik with the curt observation that he 'drones on' for 1500 pages.  Besides which, what on earth could the man have found to chunter on about for so long?

Er, plenty, it turns out.

According to the table of contents, the first part of the book describes the historical and social background to what he presents as 'the problem'.  He then goes on to put forward various plans of action that can be taken to 'solve' the said 'problem'.  And his suggestions are extremely radical, yet at the same time postulated with a cool, clear 'logic'.

Take his views on women. 

The relevant section in the manifesto declares that men of the far right tend to be far more 'chivalrous' in their attitudes towards women, because women are the mothers, daughters and sisters of the world who bear and bring up the babies required to create the next generation.  Anyone who supports feminism must automatically qualify as a 'Marxist' - particularly if they happen to be of the female persuasion.  The 'rationale' for this conclusion is the old suspect - nature has fitted women to be the 'weaker', 'subservient' sex, so anyone who attempts to argue with it is flying in the face of human evolutionary 'efficiency'.

Breivik admits that this could mean a Justiciar Knight is inclined by nature to treat women with great tenderness and respect.  However, the central mission of the Justiciar Knight requires him to act as judge, jury and executioner combined.  He cannot fulfill this function properly if he lets any 'guilty' person off the hook.  Inevitably, this will include women who hold 'unfortunate' views.

It doesn't matter how 'attractive' they might be - and he readily admits that some women are 'very' attractive.  If they've got to go, they've got to go.  A Justiciar Knight is never less than scrupulously fair-minded and impartial.

Nobody should sign up to become a Justiciar Knight if they lack the requisite toughness of mind and character.  Instead, they should content themselves with writing yet another far right wing blog.

Understandably, flatmate got rather worried when I told him about all this and roundly condemned me for going to the lengths of reading such disturbing material. 

"If it's upsetting you so much to see what this fruitcake keeps raving on about, then don't bloody read it!" he yelled.  "This sick fuckwit is just clamouring for the world's attention.  If you refuse to read what he has to say, then you are doing your bit to deprive him of it."

That statement sent me utterly spare.

"After his actions the other week, I think it is a bit bloody late to ignore him or dismiss him by describing him as 'unimportant'!" I screamed.
Judging by the enormous amount and range of comment that he and his views have already prompted on the Internet in the short time since he carried out his awful attacks, he himself would no doubt feel that he is doing really well in spreading his message across the world/.  I bet the bugger is delighted that so many people from so many countries and faiths have been logging on to read his manifesto.  No doubt he revels in the thought that just a month ago, hardly anyone had ever heard of him.  Now everyone, his dog and a packet of crisps is discussing him and his extremist opinions.

Despite Breivik's claims both in the alleged manifesto and his initial interviews with police that he has been working as part of a cell, experts believe that he could well be a lone fanatic.

If he isn't, then obviously the Norwegian police and other forces across the world will need to catch up with his colleagues and take them out of circulation pronto, before more people are killed or hurt.  They cannot afford to dismiss even the slightest possibility that he might have colleagues and sympathisers.

Even if it does turn out to be true that he acted alone, that is no reason to downplay the immense danger he continues to pose to society.  The fact that he went to all that time and trouble to research and write the manifesto tends to suggest pretty strongly that he would like to inspire others to follow his example.  I presume this would explain why he wrote the damn thing in English.  Unlike Norwegian, English is currently one of the global languages of choice.  Therefore the document will prove of interest to far more people - and it can be disseminated much quicker and easier than a Norwegian version.  (Why did he refer to himself by the Anglicized version of his name, though?  Does he think that potential supporters might not believe he is a proper 'Aryan' if he signs himself with a non-English name?  Or is it to claim kinship with English-speaking 'Aryans'?)

Sadly, there are probably some people out there who would take his virulent 'arguments' extremely seriously.  That's why I can't for the life of me understand why the manifesto hasn't been removed from the Internet yet.  (Unless of course, the world's various governments, law enforcement agencies and Internet providers all reckon that enough interested individuals must have downloaded the damn thing already for it to be circulated on the quiet via e-mail?  Hang on, it appears that shortly before he set off  to wire up the bomb in Oslo, he e-mailed copies of it to over 1,000 people … )

Breivik also points out in his manifesto that he thinks he may need to 'fortify' his 'courage' before setting out to carry out his 'mission'.  He reckons he will do this by securing the services of a prostitute.

If he really did go ahead and book an appointment with a sex worker, the poor bloody woman must be mortified now she knows who her strapping blond client was.  Like the rest of Breivik's family, I bet she'll be keeping her head firmly pressed to the ground for a long while.

Even if the world's media haven't beaten a path to her door yet, who is to say that the Norwegian police and secret services haven't managed to smoke her out?  Can you imagine what that interview must be like?

"So, what did Mr Breivik say to you … ?"

"Er, um, how much do you charge for a topless hand-shandy?"  (Wonder how you say that in Norwegian?)